Sustainable Business

Assessment and Identification of Material Topic

ABC-ATEC creates CSR questionnaires based on GRI standards after taking into account global trends, industry characteristics, and the topics of concern gathered through stakeholder communication. A total of 15 material topics were identified. Surveys were distributed to stakeholders through the online questionnaire system and paper questionnaire, and their feedbacks are a good indication of how concerned stakeholders are about each issue, as well as the level of impact each issue has on the Company.

Analysis of Material Topics

In order to establish knowledge on stakeholders' concerned topics, the ESG Committee conducted a materiality analysis that cross-examined the "level of stakeholders' concern," as gathered through questionnaires, against "the degree of impact on the environment, social and governance" that each topic  has on the Company's operations. Topics  that fall within the range of (3.8,4.18) ∼ (5,4.83) were shortlisted as material topics , following internal meetings and resolutions, six material topics have been selected, along with the necessary disclosures related to "Ethical Corporate Management." In total, there are seven material topics identified. Each topic was prioritized in terms of materiality with short-, medium-, and long-term goals determined for regular follow-up in team meetings, during which team members would review the accomplishment of short-term goals and solutions, and then report the results of the analysis to the Board of Directors.
Identification of Significant issues

Changes in Material Topics

Identification of Significant issues