Sustainable Environment

Group-wide Greenhouse Gas Inventory Results

Climate change is already a climate emergency, and in order to meet the stakeholders' requirements for carbon disclosure, ABC has launched a group-wide greenhouse gas inventory program to grasp the carbon emission status of each operation site and gradually realize the vision of low carbon operations.
In accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018, the Company adopted the operation control right method and conducted an inventory according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report (AR6) of the relevant greenhouse gas inventory (GHC), which includes direct, indirect and other greenhouse gas emissions.
Greenhouse gas Inventory
In 2021, ABC Group completed the greenhouse gas inventory for its Taiwan plants. In 2022, we took further steps by implementing ISO 14064 at the Shanghai Plant, Guangzhou Plant, and Malaysia Plant, and successfully passed third-party verifications. We have achieved the target set by the FSC to complete the greenhouse gas inventory for the parent company, domestic, and overseas subsidiaries of all publicly listed companies by 2027. This process helps us identify the main sources of carbon emissions within ABC Group. The results of the 2022 Group-wide inventory are as follows. The data was verified externally in June 2023, and Category 2 purchased electricity was identified as the main source of carbon emissions.
Compared to the previous year, emissions decreased by 193 tCO2e per year in 2022. The reasons for this emission reduction include the cessation of stamping production at our Yangmei Plant 1 in Taiwan in August 2022 and the temporary shutdown of our Shanghai Plant in April and May 2022 (due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions), resulting in a complete halt in operations, thus contributing to the decrease in carbon emissions.


Greenhouse gas inventory certificate

2022 Greenhouse Gas Inventory Certificate
Greenhouse gas Inventory
2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventory Certificate
Greenhouse gas Inventory

ABC's Carbon Reduction Roadmap

The Group has set 2021 as the baseline for greenhouse gas emissions tracking. In the future, we will continue to monitor the emissions from various operational locations, establish carbon reduction goals, and develop corresponding strategies to gradually transition to renewable energy sources. This is aimed at reducing the Group's greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate risks. The Group has established medium to long-term greenhouse gas reduction goals: The recent goal is to keep temperature rise within 1.5°C, and the Group is committed to reducing scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 42% by 2030 compared to the baseline year 2021, and achieving net-zero emissions goal by 2050.
Greenhouse gas Inventory