ABC-AETC Group is committed to treating every employee equally. We base our policies on the principles outlined in international human rights conventions such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct, and the International Labor Organization (ILO) standards. Our human rights policy prohibits discrimination, child labor, forced labor, and respects the freedom of association of employees. We ensure that employees, customers, suppliers, and partners are respected and protected, and we consider creating a fair, safe, and comfortable workplace environment as our responsibility. We are committed to completely eliminating issues related to bonded labor, underage labor, and overtime work.
The Company's human rights management includes:
- Pay attention to the balance between employees' health, work, family and leisure life in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Standards Act and other relevant laws; at the same time, implement working hour management, prohibit child labor, and prohibit all forms of forced labor and discrimination.
- Establish a gender-equal workplace; the Company implements the parental leave system without pay and provides employees with family leave, menstruation leave, childbirth leave, paternity leave and nursing rooms.
- The Company attaches great importance to the health of the employees and arranges regular health checkups and special occupational disease health examinations for employees. Health seminars are also held and there are doctors and nurses regularly visiting the plant for health consultations.
- In 2023, the Company held three courses on human rights-related education and training (including courses on the practice of corporate social responsibility in human rights, occupational safety education, health management, and mental health). A total of three training sessions were conducted,with a total of 84 participants.
In addition, Chapter 6 of the Company's Employee Handbook clearly stipulates the prohibition of child labor, and the Company shall not make female employees work between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. However, this requirement shall not apply with the approval of the labor-management meeting and if the following requirements are met:
- Provide necessary safety and health facilities.
- Provide transportation or arrange dormitory for female workers when no public transportation is available.
In addition to the above, the Company provides protection for female employees before and after childbirth. Female employees may apply for transfer to a easier job. They are provided with parental leave after childbirth in accordance with the law.