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Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF)

2022 ICBA International Conference on Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University

Chairman Hsu, in his capacity as a sponsor, was invited to participate in the "2022 International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA)" held at National Taipei University and delivered an opening address. He was accompanied by Director Hsu Chen during the conference, highlighting Chairman Hsu's emphasis on sustainable talent management.
Global sustainable development has gained prominence around the world, and Chairman Hsu lauded National Taipei University's efforts in promoting sustainable talent and business management. He actively encourages businesses with the capacity to create sustainable value to continue growing. As an outstanding alumnus of National Taipei University, Chairman Hsu upholds the spirit of giving back to his alma mater, such as by continuing to sponsor academic conferences at the university and collaborate on industry-related research and development projects. This collaboration effectively leverages the resources of academia, industry, and research to enhance academic research and align it with practical industry operations.