Inductive Components
MPC Heatsinks
Stamping & Plastic Molding
Inductive Components
Inductive Components

Inductors which are widely used in the electronic devices are the basic passive components in modern industry. With our strong foundation in electromagnetic theory, we have devised wire-wound inductive components to function as noise filters, current chokes, energy transfer and EMI suppression components. ABC supplies a wide range of high quality SMD and through-hole type inductors such as chip inductors, power inductors (including shielded, semi-shielded and non-shielded types), filter inductors and common mode chokes.


In this product category, we have abundant experience in design, skillful capability in manufacturing and zero tolerance for defects in QA policy. Possessing a strong application RD team, ABC is able to work with its customers in the very beginning stage of customer’s product development. Customization is one of the focuses in this product category. We can always do quick customization for our customers while maintaining the highest quality. The products we can offer include but not limited to mid-high frequency (<1MHz) power transformer for regular switching converter, extra-high frequency (>1MHz) power transformer for resonant converter, isolation transformer for data transmission and signal transformer for impedance conversion.

MPC Heatsinks
MPC Heatsinks

MPC stands for “Micro-Porous Ceramic”, which has the features(benefits) of

  • By increasing more contact area with air than the traditional metal heatsink, MPC has the excellent heat dissipation capability.
  • Low profile: it can be as thin as 2mm only.
  • Light weight: it is generally 30% lighter than the traditional heatsinks.
  • Very high dielectric strength: can sustain up to 5KV(dc).
  • No EMC issues: ceramic material will neither emit nor absorb EM noise.

Stamping & Plastic Molding
Stamping & Plastic Molding

Inductor widely using in the circuit of electronics devices is one of the basic positive components. The copper wire wound on magnetic material through electro-magnetic theory functional as noise filter, current choke, energy transfer and EMI suppression. ABC supply wide range DIP & SMD inductor such as chip inductor, non-shielded power inductor, shielded power inductor, semi-shielded power inductor, high current power inductor & common mode line filter.

About Us
Insisting the spirit of service, innovation and seeking for excellent,
Tracing the market demand and technology trend,
Running under systematization, standardization & institutionalization,
Carrying practical management by data orientation,
To create everlasting innovation and development.
We believe 「Only the Paranoid Survive, Only the Innovator Success & Only the Speedy Player Win」
Ambition & Enthusiasm
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ABC-ATEC Electronics Group SAP S/4 upgrade project kick-off meeting

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